It's only mid-June but already starting to feel like those late summer days - hot, sticky, never-ending. When I haven't been trying to plant all of our starts I've been inside trying to figure out how to feed everyone without turning on the oven or stove. This is the first time in a long time we've committed to a garden of significant size, the last time being maybe 2015? I honestly can't remember! We sectioned off a large spot for a container garden to the side of our house and I uncovered the old garden (it's been covered with landscape fabric and cardboard for years), cleaned up its borders, weeded it to the best of my abilities, and planted it with squash. I'm really excited at the prospect of a pumpkin patch!
The newly planted apple trees are doing OK. One set seems to be thriving, the other set appears to be recovering from shock so we'll need to wait and see what happens there. The raspberries are taking off and I decided to re-use the landscape fabric to start expanding for future raspberry plantings.
The yarrow is doing well but the lavender is on the way out as it barely survived winter. I have a few cuttings I'm rooting to see if I can replace the parent plants, but I don't know how successful it will be. Like so much with gardening, we just have to wait and see.
What are you growing this year?