Oh these long hot days.
We've been camping, schooling, gardening, scouting, swimming, and just generally summering it up here in our neck of the woods and frankly, I'm so happy to see August and get this summer in the books. I am tired!
In July V and I started her second grade year and already I'm changing things up. Last year we were briefly able to experience Waldorf Essential's first grade, but that went south really fast when I learned my eldest (who was in public school virtually) wasn't actually DOING school. Instead I had to pull him into our dining room and babysit him with his computer at full volume. V and I just went back to a loose Charlotte Mason style for the time being and when we started up again in July, that is what I had planned on continuing to do but she was not connecting with it at all. Instead, she keeps asking if we can "do the fairy tales again". So I scrapped my plans and now I'm in the middle of writing out my own blocks, somewhat based on Waldorf Essentials and the typical 2nd grade material.
Lots of saints, some Brambly Hedge and Wind in the Willows, a bit of home Geography and a huge history block at her request. I'll write it up and share here in a week or two, once I get the wrinkles ironed out.
And while I wrestle with everything for my big girl the little girls have been clamoring to "do school" and then immediately taking off for outside as soon as I set them up with crayons and paper. It's fine, that's where they need to be, outside. Speaking of which, I decided to track our hours outdoors this year, only to fall behind, again! We have been out so much in recent months that I have no idea how many hours we have logged, or haven't logged as the case may be.
I wish I had more of an update for this page, but honestly, not much has been going on. The kids are getting bigger and I've not been up to much beyond living my days. Perhaps I just need to be more comfortable with sharing the mundane?
Til next time,